
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Kakadu National Park



Ce matin, je vais donc chercher mon mini camper: une Suzuki Alto avec un coffre sur le toit et aménagée pour transformer en chambre à couché pour la nuit. Fun time :)

Départ de Darwin, direction Kakadu National Park. Je me suis arrêtée en chemin à Adelaide River, pour the Jumping Crocodiles Cruise. Le principe est simple: on prend le bateau et ils nourrissent les crocodiles avec une sorte de canne à pêche. Le but est de les faire “sauter” pour attraper le bout de viande. C’est super touristique, mais franchement fun. Et on a aussi eu droit à plein d’explications sur les crocodiles.

Puis j’ai continué mon chemin et je suis arrivée au park. Comme d’habitude, arrêt au visitor centre pour me renseigner un peu plus sur le park.

Comme c’est le début de la saison sèche, il y a encore pas mal d’endroit qui sont fermés. Pas grave puisque les places que j’ai vraiment envie de voir sont elles ouvertes.
Comme c’est déjà le milieu d’après-midi et que l’endroit ou j’ai prévu de passer la nuit est à environ 45min de là, je prend gentiment cette direction. 
En chemin, je me suis arrêtée à Mirrai Lookout, jolie vue du park, juste dommage qu’il y ait autant d’arbres au milieu…

Et me voilà à mon campement pour la nuit. Installation de la voiture, ça m’a pris un peu de temps pour comprendre comment toutes les pièces s’emboitaient (pourrai mettre un mode d’emploi avec la voiture…), puis souper et un peu de lecture. J’ai eu la visite de quelques wallabies, j’ai un peu flippé au début. Avec la lumière du jour qui baissait, j’ai d’abord cru que c’était des dingos.

Je me suis installée dans la voiture tôt, les moustiques étaient de sortie!!
Et après quelques heures dedans, j’ai commencé à avoir vraiment chaud, mais pas possible d’ouvrir une fenêtre à cause des moustiques. J’ai donc eu la brillante idée de scotcher un t-shirt comme moustiquaire et pouvoir entrouvrir la fenêtre. Ca fonctionnait bien jusqu’au moment ou le scotch m’a lâché et je me suis retrouvée avec une nuée de moustiques dans la voiture. Pas marrant la chasse aux moustiques au milieu de la nuit.

Adelaide River

Big male crocodile

Female, because they are smaller they can jump higher

Mirrai Lookout

My new ride :)


I had a descent night of sleep once I got rid of the mosquitos in the car…
I was up early and started getting ready and get going while the temperatures were still nice.

I went to Nourlangie  area, where there is different walks with different landscapes. I could have gone for a 12km loop, but wasn’t feeling like it in this weather. A few shorts ones suited me better ;)

I started at Anbangbang, a 1km loop with a lookout and lot’s of aboriginal art. The art is a lot different than the one I’ve seen so fare. Look more modern, more elaborate. I was told that Kakadu art was very nice, but I still wasn’t expecting something like that.

Next I went by Anbangbang billabong. The walk was open, but it was kind of close to the water and they were some sign saying they’ve been some crocodiles around, not really reassuring. I took some pictures and it was enough for me, didn’t wanted to find myself in front of one of those beast. 

From there, I went to Nawurlandja lookout, awesome view of the area from there.

My next walk was to an other art site, Nanguluwar. I was looking forward to it after the first one. It was as nice, but I rush it a little. They are lightning what they called controlled fire all around the park at this period to help rejuvenated the forest. And there were one going on right by the rock, so it wasn’t really nice with the ashes and smokes :(. I read a bit the explanations about the painting, took some pictures and left. Would have loved to stay and take time to look at the painting, but well, at least I saw it.

Next I went to the Warrandjan Abiriginal Cultural Centre to learn a little more about the people living in the park and the different stories about it. At the same time it was a nice stop away from the heat ;)

After that, I drove to my campground for the night. It was still a little early, I could have done something more, but being outside in the heat made me tired and I wanted to seat down and relax. Installed my car, had diner and just enjoyed being there :)


Namarrgon, the lightning man

Doing a little bit of dancing

Anbangbang billabong

Nawurlandja Lookout


Good night!!
I only posted a few of the art's pictures I have, but I'll be happy to share them in person if interested!!


I have to say, I've been sleeping much better than I thought I would in that car!!

I woke up with the sun, got ready and started my day while the temperatures were still nice.

Today, I'm going to the East Alligator Region.

First, Ubirr walk, a 1km loop with some more arts and a lookout. Still really amazed by the arts, it's not only the precision in the painting, but the fact that a lot of them look like they've been painted yesterday. And for the lookout, it was the best view of the park I had, love it!!!
Took sooo many picture from up there...

So once I finally went down from the lookout, I went for an other walk, Bardedjilidji. Don't ask me how to pronounce it, I have no idea ;)

So I arrived there, saw a walk and went for it. The beginning was nice, but it got obtructed by some kind of bamboo. At first it looked like it was only for a few steps, but no. I turned around, not feeling like dealing with that, not fun.
There were and other trail going toward the boat ramp so I went to take a look. From there, folowing the advice of someone that know the place, I kept going to the other boat ramp with a viewing platform. And there were an other walk, but most of it was still closed for the season.
I went back to my car, and guess what?? I realized that the first walk I wanted to do started in fact at the next parking place, a few meters away. I had nothing else to do for the day, so I went for it, and it was worth it. A part of it was closed, but the part I've been able to go through was nice, going around layered sandstone.

After all that, I went to Jaribu, the city in the middle of the park, I wanted to see it. And there is not much to see. 

So I got back on the road, quick stop at Mamukala wetland, where I should have been able to see a lot of birds, but didn't, and arrived at the campground around 3:00pm. For my last night I choose the closest one to Darwin, part of a hotel, motel, lodge,... So it had a swimming pool!! Just a small one, but it felt sooo good being in the water after 3 days of being in the heat!!!
After that relaxing swim, I prepared my car for the night and done some packing. Flying to Perth the next afternoon, so I wanted to have most of my stuff ready.

Ubirr art site

Today's menu!!

Rainbow Snake, the creator

Alligator river

Bardedjilidji sandstone walk

Mamukala Wetland


This morning, I had to get up early. Still had two hours drive to get to Darwin and I had my flight to Perth early afternoon, maybe it wasn't the best idea I ever had, but well...

I was getting ready to leave when I heard someone calling my name, weird. I first thought I misheard, until I saw someone walking toward me. It was my school director from when I was in 7-9 grades!! What are the odds for us to meet there?? 

So after that interesting meeting, I started my drive back to Darwin.

Not much to say about the rest of the day. My flight got delayed so I spend my afternoon at the airport. And when I arrived in Perth it was already dark, my hostel was nowhere near the city center (not sure what I was thinking when I choose that one...) so I just settle in and enjoyed my bed :)

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