
Monday, April 13, 2015



First night of camping I felt like I had a descent sleep. It wasn’t as cold as the nights before and being able to shower and feeling clean might have something to do with it too.

We got up early, had breakfast and pack our stuff, ready to go back to the civilisation!

We drove through Coorong National park, with it’s two lagoons and good place to see the big white pelicans.

And we arrived in Adelaide. It felt a little weird to be in a city again after a few days in the country. 
Since we are in a city, me and the girls decided to stay in a hostel for two nights. Sleeping in a real bed and having a shower, a bit of comfort before the next part of our trip.
We had lunch in one a the city park, and then we split up. Amaury wanted to go to some museum and the rest of us were more feeling like going for a walk in the city. 
I went for a run later on, having time for it and being able to take a shower afterward. 
We met up for diner and went back to the hostel for a quiet evening.

Coorong National Park

My new running buddy ;)

I just realized that I’m talking a lot about shower the last few days, but when camping in the middle of nowhere and not having it can make you obsess with that ;)

The next day, we split up so everybody could explore the city it's own way. And I have to admit it felt good to have some time on my own, not that I don't like my travelmates, but when you are together almost 24/7, it's nice to get a break.

I went for a walk around the north part of the city. Not a lot to see, a lot of old stone houses... I met with the girls for lunch and went to the Central market in the afternoon.

I wasn't feeling like doing too much, so I went shopping for a sleeping mat and a blanket that will, I hope, make my camping days a bit better. And done some laundry and reorganized my backpack for next week too.

Tomorrow, we're leaving the city and heading for the outback :)

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