Going to see the Capital.
The one thing really interesting about Canberra, is that it has been built to be the Capital. Sydney and Melbourne couldn't find an accord on who was going to be the capital so they built a city halfway between them for it.
It's kind of a weird city, doesn't have any history, everything has been built more or less at the same time, and other than the government stuff, not much is going on...
I took the bus to get there, arrived mid-afternoon. I went for a walk to the War Memorial. One of the thing to see here.
After that, I was feeling like running, so grabbed my stuff and went by the lake. Funny thing they have a perfect 5k loop between the two bridges crossing the lake.
View of the parliament house |
Next day I explored a little bit more the city, went by the parliament, which I think is ugly, and latter to the Telstra Tower from which you get a view of the surrounding.
Nothing too exciting, other that I got kind of attacked by a bird!!! I was crossing the bridge and it came from underneath, was yelling and flapping it's wing right above my head, scared me big time.
Old parliament house |
New parliament house |
war memorial from parliament house |
And since I had the brilliant idea to stay there one more day and I pretty much see everything there is to see here, I went with plan B: rent a car for the day and go to Tidbinbilla Park.
It's 40min drive for the city, lot's of hiking trail, a sanctuary with local animals and an eucalyptus forest for the koalas.
Didn't get to see as many wildlife as I was hoping, but just being there was nice, seeing something else than Australian cities.
And when they say kangaroos are everywhere, it's true. just left the city when I spot my first one, excited :)
Wallaby |
sad I couldn't see them better, but I'm sure I'll more more of them |
leave change of color, yes it's fall... |
Australian pelican |
Grass tree, baby one |
Grass tree, a lot of years latter |
Got the feeling somebody is looking at me ;) |
There were just a few of them... |
It's only when I check my pictures on my computer that I realized he wasn't alone!! |